Training programmes for practicing farmers
Nursery management for paddy crop
Nursery management for fingermillet
Scientific cultivation of maize
Scientific cultivation of soyabean
Scientific cultivaton of groundnut
Scientific cultivaton of wheat
Scientific cultivaton of potato
production and use of organic manure
Potato seed production
Nursary diseases of vegetables and their management
IDM in vegetables
IPM in vegetables
Eco-friendly management of cabbage butterfly
Biopesticide - A major for plant protection
Management of pest and diseases
Rodent management in rive
management of fruit diseases and pest
Biological control of pest
Preparation of pesticidal solution and method spraying
Plant protection and flowers
Major pest and disease in vegetables of Tawang district anf thier management
Major pests and diseases in rice of Tawang district and their management
Training Programmes for Rural Youth
Production and use of vermicompost
Scientific seed production of potato
Plant Protection measures in floriculture
Processing and value addition of meat
Value addition from locally available resources
Training Programmes for Extension personnels
Scientific cultivaton of Groundnut
Scientific cultivaton of potato
Organic Plant Protecton technologies: An approach toward sustainability
Major pest and diseases of rice and their management
Effect of Selenium and Vita-E in pragnent cattle
High land pasture and their management for betterment of livestock productivity
omplementry food and feeding technique of Assam mix
Nutritional diet requirement for pregnent women and children